At first the bridge astonished us with one end on land and another end descending into the sea. But at the low water on Roscoff waterfront you’d get an idea. The bay in front of Roscoff dries partially at the low tide and the bridge enables the ferry to pick up Île de Batz passengers at any tide. I must say that its quite creative solution.
Île de Batz is located just in front of Roscoff and already last year we intended to visit there. But the time in Roscoff have been spent around the boat maintenance. When the chore list was halfway done and there was a beautiful sunny Sunday we finally visited there.
It only takes about 15 minutes for reaching the island of Batz by ferry. There are about 500 permanent inhabitants and the rest of the housings are holiday rentals like on many other French coastal islands.
Altogether we had just over 10 km hike around the island. We were mostly on the coastal path but of course we had the mandatory stop at the crêperie in the middle of the island. The first crêpes of this summer were delicious no wonder that Brittany is famous for them.
If you like water sports in tranquil nature then this island is a good destination. There were kayaks, sailing dinghies, boats etc. for rent on the sandy beach. I could imagine that the summer weekend would be passing quickly on the island of Île de Batz.