Our Christmas this year will be different as we arrived to spend the Christmas week onboard Suwena. Here in Ipswich people are preparing for the festive season likewise in our home Finland. There is a busy feeling at the Christmas market and the crowd was running through shops making last minute Christmas shopping.

When on Thursday evening we arrived to rainy Ipswich we thought that this Christmas might be exceptional also regarding to the weather. Friday was a sunny day and we spent it by doing various small chores. But it has been raining and windy since Saturday. The temperature however has stayed between 8 and 10 degrees all the time. Now it looks like we can’t go sailing before the Christmas Day.

Christmas 2013 onboard Suwena
Christmas 2013 onboard Suwena

Even if the wind is raising all the time it is lovely to sit aboard Suwena and enjoy a warm mulled wine. The gusts swing Suwena even here in protected pontoon berth. We’ll see next night when the mooring lines creak near our ears and the wind is howling up to 60 knots, are we still same minded.

“Southwesterly gale force 8 increasing storm force 10 soon, then violent storm force 11 later.”

This season is special to us. Last weekend we totalled 100 nights onboard the boat during this season and the year is not over yet. Now is a good time to thank all of You, our faithful blog readers and wish you a very Merry Christmas and fair winds for the year 2014.

Suwena’s crew / Eve and Andrus

Christmas Greetings from Suwena

3 thoughts on “Christmas Greetings from Suwena

  • December 24, 2013 at 05:42

    Merry christmas to you and
    Merry christmas to you and thanks for a nice blogg
    Sven and Maude, swedish nauticat ovner

  • December 30, 2013 at 18:29

    Mitenkäs Joulu sujui
    Mitenkäs Joulu sujui Suwenalla, miltä se violent storm tuntui satamassa?

    Hyvää Uutta Vuotta Suwenalle ja varsinkin sen miehistölle!

    • December 30, 2013 at 18:31

      Hienoja videoita olitte
      Hienoja videoita olitte jälleen tehneet!


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