The prevailing winds on the northern coast of Spain are from the west that is just from the direction we were heading to. Andrus was following the weather and only options he saw there was either 20 knot westerly wind or no wind at all. We chose a day with a latter. The Sun was shining, a group of dolphins playing around us and our trustworthy Perkins purring quietly and comfortingly pushing us for 95 nautical miles to Gijon.

Gijon is a major town in the region of Asturias. It has been a centre of industrial activities for several decades that are now slowly turning into more service oriented business. There are two marinas, one in the old fishing harbour and another just outside the town behind the container port. We chose the first one and to stay in the centre of the city.

Our stay in Gijon was very short, we only stayed there for one day. One day is way too short for getting any understanding of a big city. We settled just for a walk in the centre area looking at some landmarks and even stumbling on a flamenco performance.

The weather was still good so it was right time to continue going west as Galicia is waiting us.
Gijon 11.7. – 13.7.
Ihanat siniset kuvat mereltä!
Ihanat siniset kuvat mereltä! Tämä blogi on vaarallista luettavaa… Tulee liiankin kivat muistot mieleen omalta Atlantin kierrokselta ja jotenkin alkaa merillä olo taas kutkuttaa! Mukavia purjehduksia!