Here in Galician rías the daily sailing distances are much shorter than in our previous summers. The distance from A Coruña to Muxia is 46 nautical miles and it is one of the longest passages this year. We departed together
Muxia 29.5. – 1.6.

Here in Galician rías the daily sailing distances are much shorter than in our previous summers. The distance from A Coruña to Muxia is 46 nautical miles and it is one of the longest passages this year. We departed together
After quiet days of anchoring, we were ready for some city time. The wind was rather light for the first part of the 13 nautical mile voyage and we enjoyed ourselves by being out on the water. The second half
It was perfect to start the summer voyage on a warm day in beautiful sunshine. The weather was like this when we departed Sada on Sunday. The first leg of the voyage was amazing five nautical miles long just into
To have a little breath between boat chores we rented a car and went sightseeing of Galicia. The most famous place must be the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela that was built in 1075 – 1211. The shrine of St.
This sailing season started at a fast pace. We arrived in Sada on Thursday the 3rd of May and already at the same afternoon she was back in the drink. From there started busy two-week long spring maintenance period and